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Rest - For the Soul 4/10/18

So now that we have identified and connected with the true rest in our Spirit and see that we have full access at any moment to every resource we could possibly need, how do we teach our soul (mind, will, emotions) to partner with our spirit, to partner with truth, to rest? In the culture I grew up in the soul was a bad thing. It was just as bad, if not worse than, the flesh! Your mind was terrible horrible and had to be renewed. But if we eliminate our minds where we process info and store info. And our will, which is a gift and which we use to choose, and our emotions, we have eliminated the three major avenues through which we encounter and experience God.  Because these are the avenue through which we experience Him and by which we receive from Him, We will want these tools to be tuned to His voice, His presence. Soaking is an awesome way to open ourselves to have an experience with God but one does not always have time to give to soaking.  But there are other w...

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