Rest - Soaking 4/3/18

Cooking with Ben. When I let Ben cook with me I will hold his hand as he measures, sometimes he can mix a little on his own. I measure for the most part. But even though we are doing it together, I am actually doing it all myself. He is just "helping".  And that is because he is little and doesn't know what he is doing and doesn't have the skills nor does he know the recipe. He is merely being a part of what is going on.  If I left the room and he tried to do it on his own there would be a mess. He doesn't know where we are in the steps of the recipe either.

Rest is NOT inactivity.  It's a yielding and partnering with His Spirit.  It is fully trusting and relinquishing all rights to any credit whatsoever. It is an act of Humility and Surrender. It is worship.

With our own lives, becoming more like Jesus is less of a quest and more of a ride.  The trick is to stay in the car. 

So what is soaking?

Soaking is a term we use for waiting on the Lord and soaking in His presence. To just be with Him and Listen.  We call this active rest. Listening is the active part. Doing nothing is the resting part.  The scriptures encourage us to strive to enter His rest. Heb 5:11 “So then we must give our all and be eager to experience this faith-rest life, so that no one falls short by following the same pattern of doubt and unbelief.” TPT

The Lord has promised that His grace is sufficient for all of our needs 2 Cor 12:9 “But he answered me, “My grace is always more than enough for you, and my power finds its full expression through your weakness.” So I will celebrate my weaknesses, for when I’m weak I sense more deeply the mighty power of Christ living in me.” TPT 

He wants to pour into us the resources we need for each day.  As we spend time in His presence He pours in His strength, peace, patience, endurance, comfort, and joy. We learn to soak up everything we need from Him.  There are scriptures that call us to ‘lie down’, ‘wait’, ‘rest’, ‘listen’, and ‘be quiet or still’.

If I am in a tub soaking I am doing nothing but being in the tub.  Whatever is in the tub is either infusing me with something or drawing something out of me.
When I soak my dishes, it softens the junk that is caked on or hardened and loosens it so it can be rinsed away.
When you soak, you don’t necessarily know what is happening or how or why but something is happening and it is something you are not doing. 
When we do nothing we are not only surrendering ourselves to him but we are saying - this is something I cannot do and I fully trust YOU to do it. It is releasing ourselves into His care but also saying I am taking my hands off - this is not something that I am doing or making happen.  It is not because I am, but because He is I AM.
Let the Holy Spirit run your bath. Let Him run it.

“Soaking is simply spending time in God’s presence, rather than striving.” “It’s about resting in His Presence, experiencing Him and choosing to be intimate with Him. God desires that we would know Him.”
“When we soak we focus on Him. Soaking puts us in a position where we are often more able to hear His voice and receive His love.”

The enemies of Soaking are very much the same as the enemies of rest.
Fear or Doubt

Here are a few things you can do to help. 
What are some ways that help you stop DOING and just BE?

Do Pray in the Spirit but only for a little then stop.
Do Picture yourself alone with Jesus, The Father or Holy Spirit. 
Do Ask Holy Spirit to show you what that looks like, What you are doing.

Don’t start listing your shortcomings. He knows them. They don’t scare him.
Don’t minister to Him (sing, pray, etc) this is strictly one way (Covenant)
Don’t distract others.

So, do I just lie down with a blank mind? No! Lie down with your mind set on Jesus.  Give all your worries and cares to Him, talk to Him about them. Don’t just try to wrestle with shutting them up. Release them to Him. (Hands Down)

Pray a prayer that says to God something like, “I invite you to come and search my heart.  Come closer and let me know your love.” 

Some people use meditation to help - remember, mediation was God’s original idea.  There is truth to it and it is powerful but we must use it in the context it was created for and that is to experience God and to pull His truth, His word, deeper into our hearts.

Let worship rise up inside you and give yourself to the Lord.  If you become distracted, refocus on Jesus. Remind yourself why you are soaking and then listen to the music. “Active Restfulness”

In the movie The Abyss they had underwater gear for deep, deep sea diving that was filled with a liquid substance that kept their lungs from collapsing.  The problem is that they had to breathe it in, to drown on purpose to get it in their lungs in order for it to work.  We are heavenly beings, created for eternity and because we live here in this culture on earth it is difficult to swallow the love of God and to breathe the atmosphere of heaven.  Our soul tries to rationalize us out of it or away from it because it seems contrary to survival. But we were made for this! The more we do it, the more natural it will become, the less time it will take to get there and the more we will crave it.  The more we soak, the more in tuned we will come with the Spirit and the way He moves and speaks to us.
When you are trying to drown it is helpful sometimes to have someone hold your head underwater.  That is why Jenna is here. ;OP

Soaking itself is an act of worship. You are giving Jesus 100% access to your heart. He should get what He deserves. He deserves you, unhindered.

Afterwards, you may end you want to take a moment and write down a few things that perhaps Father said or that Jesus showed you.

Do I have to Lie down? No, you can soak sitting in a chair if you find it more comfortable.  Being still and at rest is the key. It aligns our bodies with our heart’s attitude of submissiveness and attentiveness to God. Lying down helps to minimize the distractions caused by any activity in the room and puts us into a vulnerable position to receive from the Lord.

How will I know if soaking is doing any good? Many people feel immediate benefits such as a renewed love for the Lord, a lifting of weights or fresh energy.  Often evidence of long term changes are discovered later when back in daily life.

What if I fall asleep? That is perfectly valid. Deep, Holy Spirit sleep is very good for us, especially in difficult and stressful times.
(Gen 2:21, 15:12; Dan 10:8-10; Luke 9:32)

Can I soak at home?  There is a special anointing that comes when Christians are together in an atmosphere of worship, however, it is recommended to ‘soak’ at home as well, provided that you are undisturbed.  It is important that you play worship music that draws you closer to the Lord and brings you into ‘stillness'.

It takes most people about ten minutes to stop thinking about the days events or future plans and come to a place of rest. So its unlikely that you will go very deep if you do it for less than 15 minutes.  

Soaking can be an amazing experience.  Some people have deep encounters with Jesus, experience visions and hold entire conversations with God. Others may receive one picture or word that becomes pivotal in their relationship with Father or in their circumstances. Still others fall asleep and in that sleep receive an even deeper work that is unexplainable but the results are unmistakable.  Trust that God is doing/will do something that only He can do.  It is His work. 

Every morning I lay out the pieces of my life on the altar and wait for your fire to fall upon my heart.   -   Psalm 5:3 TPT

I Hear His Whisper...

"I will be there."

I have promised you that I will never leave you comfortless. Is My presence not enough? Every day the glory of My presence overshadows you, even when you do not discern it. When you thirst, I give you living water; when you hunger and crave for more, I give you living bread and My satisfying peace. When you lift up your face to Me without shame, the sunshine of My love washes you and strengthens you.

My invisible ways of love have carried you through life, so never let disappointment live within you. I am your God, the mighty lover who will never be turned aside by your weak heart. I am stirred to perfect you every time I see your weakness. Your growth is My boast, for the grace I have poured upon you will bring you into greater light and greater glory. Trust in Me and watch Me work as I demonstrate the depths of My love toward you today.

Song/Music List:
I just want to worship
Dancing Light - cd

I love your presence
